中文的 (Chinese, Mandarin) 世界状态

欢迎来到“Worldstate Organisation”的想法汇编,它应该会给人们带来动力 发明家、科学家和政治家,如果没有任何结果,我希望有人能提出后续想法。

简历 Markus Schrems.pdf

我展示了我的项目“Worldstate”。 在与经济进步不对应的(电子)货币体系中,政府 创造资金来支付公司的集体绩效,而他们必须证明这一点。无内陷。 理论上无限的政府资金可以用来支付所有必要的基础设施 特别是在第三世界,可再生能源(比欧盟 2050 年计划更快)或太空人口和民用资金,其中包括 每月平均工资 5.000$-10.000$、失业救济金 2.000$、健康保险、养老金/退休金... (奥地利的社会制度)。固定价格。 这将加速发展,让我们有时间控制环境问题并最大限度地减少 贫困和犯罪。各州将保留对地区的监管和政治制度的民主化。世界议会。 然后我们就一起工作,只受资源的限制;资源管理! 没有成功的压力。任何人都可以通过20年的努力建立一些东西。

这些权利能否通过人权来执行,例如公平报酬权、 减少污染/替代燃料,有权获得快速发展的最佳系统,有权获得 通过实际经济增长摆脱通货膨胀和财富;财富欺诈,公平权利 对于第三世界,殖民太空的权利; 矛盾:经济增长带来更多资金,但通货膨胀破坏了这一点,限制了原则; 除其他外,通货膨胀难道不是由于与其他货币和经济体的比较而产生的吗? 系统的进化是这样发展的,但我们已经不再有另一个系统了 可能性……所有现在无法融资但必要的项目。胁迫我们 例如,这种货币和经济体系不具有持续的经济增长; 我们应该主宰它!


国家的债务体系更好吗?! 100年的债务。不是任何国家都可以偿还的,只能支付债务的利率!



Inflation 2023 World

Wikipedia CreditRatingAgencies



我在 avaaz.org 上发起了请愿,链接如下:
Petition AVAAZ.org

我想将第三世界发展到第一世界水平,同时实现项目,而无需来自富裕国家的人 为此花费他们的钱。没有一个国民经济能够承担这些项目。


这个世界国家组织的计划是在每个国家建立一个政党并获得一个政党。 民主多数。

世界状态哈格 Wallerstein - WorldSystemAnalysis Negri & Hardt - Empire

空间填充 (Space Populating) - 团结起来作为星际人类

太空人口计划是一个电磁加速器系统,始于 月亮;像欧洲核子研究组织(C.E.R.N)但更大更直,可以将我们高速射入宇宙。


像 CERN 一样的电磁加速器,但更大、更直接,适用于宇宙飞船





电磁轨道炮可以将弹丸在 5 米内加速至约 10000 公里/小时 除以 3.6 = 2780 [m/s]。

v^2 = u^2 + 2as

其中 a 是加速度,v 是最终速度,u 是初速度,s 是位移。 u = 0

a = v^2 / (2s)

a = 2780^2 [米/秒] / (2 * 5 [米])

a ≈ 772 840 m/s^2

现在,我们可以使用相同的加速度来计算飞船在月球上的最终速度。 由于我们已知的行进距离为 3 000 000 [米](月球直径),因此我们可以使用以下等式:

v^2 = u^2 + 2as

已知行进距离为 3,000,000 米,因此:

v = √(2as)

v = √(2 * 772 840 * 3 000 000)

v ≈ 2 153 379 m/s = 7 752 163 [km/h]]


Or scientist discovered a warp-bubble coincidentally!

Warp-Bubble Fanaticalfuturist.com-article

Warp-Bubble epj - european physical journal-article









Dr.Julius Hellenthal 博士提供脐带组织胚胎干细胞疗法与 自身免疫疫苗和长期抗生素疗法成功对抗多种疾病或 强烈缓解症状。


多发性硬化症、癫痫、莱姆疏螺旋体病、阿尔茨海默病、慢性病、心脏病、脑瘫、哮喘、 一切与风湿有关的疾病、细菌引起的疾病、老年病 黄斑病、视网膜脱离、红斑狼疮、阳痿、各种麻痹及特殊 事故后、疱疹疾病(如唇疱疹和生殖器疱疹)、耳鸣、 所有类型的肿瘤,尤其是肺、胃、前列腺、皮肤的肿瘤 (经过适当治疗后,恶性黑色素瘤的成功率几乎为 100%)、嘴唇肿瘤、 舌头、脱发、心律失常、惊恐发作、提高智力 学童、自闭症、糖尿病相关疾病、糖尿病视网膜病变、 帕金森氏症以及许多其他疾病。

Curismo Youtube


I read a book about shamanism and I don't know if it's true with the lightbody-dimension but if I have headace I imagine a big sphere around my body which is deformed by any impressions/influences. If I make the sphere smooth the headace goes away and the thoughts/brain seem to bend. Please try it and give me feedback if it is just an illusion or real force!



该公司发明了一种用二氧化碳生产颗粒的工艺 存在于空气中并用作燃料。

一个设施吸收的二氧化碳相当于 4000 万棵树;每个加油站都有设施 现场生产燃料。







BoylesFlaskAdvanced (专利申请:驳回)

罗伯特·博伊尔的烧瓶可以与啤酒一起工作,直到碳酸消失。视频于 youtube.com 的标题是:“Boyle's flask works now”。通过添加水轮作为发电机 以及用于渗透二氧化碳或气泡或碳酸罐的分布器 维持循环以赢得能量。






北美的红杉树可以将水输送到100米以上的高度,不知何故 应该有可能利用这个机制来赢得能量。








The Patent: Revolutionizing Water Purification: The Future of Solar Desalination Through Artificial Trees

Passive water ascent in a tall, scalable synthetic tree - Nature Magazine



h=爬升高度; σ = 表面张力; θ=接触角; ϱ = 密度; g = 重力加速度; r = 半径。

Capillary Waterwheel

Capillary Waterwheel


YCapillary fills untill both upper ends

SchremsCapillary (专利申请:驳回)


Schrems-毛细管:应完全填充自身,但原型的尺寸为:k = 3cm; L=1m; d1 = 0.8mm; d2 = 0.4 mm; d3 = 0,02mm 不起作用。它自行填充,但 d2 处的压力 太低了,所以它没有在那里转移。

阀门毛细管 ValveCapillary (专利申请:驳回)


阀门毛细管根据通径的毛细管效应吸入液体 阀门/膜 (3) 取决于毛细管的上升高度 (2) 关闭了。阀门/薄膜的设计必须能够桥接毛细管效应,否则 尽管立管大于管道的长度,毛细管仅填充到一定高度 位于顶部开口或侧面开口下方。然后阀门/隔膜 (3) 打开 在重力压力 P 下将液体排出到更高的液位。然后就关闭了 阀门/膜 (3) 和新液体通过毛细管效应被吸入......

润湿毛细管 WettingCapillary (专利申请:驳回)

WettingCapillary WettingCapillaryHand

润湿毛细管 (1) 将水吸至上升高度 h (2)(取决于直径),并在上部区域向下弯曲。润湿筛(3)的尖端比毛细管薄,接触角很小,这意味着液体溢出并在筛的底部滴落。 有表面处理 可以例如通过等离子体或其他方法来增加润湿。


BenetzungsKapillareGlasbläserei WettingCapillaryScreenExperiment

玻璃吹制公司生产的产品不对。毛细血管做得很好,但 润湿筛 太大,它不适合毛细管,并且上端未打开。 我尝试混合实验 用纸巾,但它仍然不会掉落/转移。 专业物理学家应该这样做!专业人士可以让它发挥作用。

如果您现在按照视频中的方法使用润湿毛细管:“植物中的毛细管作用 纸巾实验”结合起来,用纸巾润湿毛细管可以在更高的水平上转向是合乎逻辑的, 毛细管效应和重力对抗毛细管的阻力,因为 将水从一个杯子转移到另一个杯子比这更困难。

F_WettingPaperTowel + F_CapillaryPaperTowel + F_Gravity > F_CapillaryHoldBack



Wetting capillary experiment: 我买了玻璃管,在火焰上加热并从中抽出 毛细血管,很难,我尝试了很多次。 起初,纸巾到达玻璃下方并滴落。 当我把纸巾缩短到水面以上时,毛细管充满了, 纸巾已完全润湿/变湿但未滴水。 快成功了!教授们可以成功!

Studies on the condition of tensile water in trees.pdf

植物也在阴凉或黑暗中生长,因此蒸腾作用和 负压并不是它们为叶子提供水分的唯一力量。 这些树有一个需要揭露的秘密。

隆起升力 UpliftLift (专利申请:驳回)



比水轻的物质渗透到水柱中并穿过水柱 静水力向上隆起。在上端,群众被电梯举走, 它们安装在电梯上,向下落下以保持电梯移动以产生能量。 举升机也可以用油代替物质进行操作并进行渗透 带喷嘴。

我的专利申请方向是永动机和意识 我对能源或电力的生产保持沉默,因为否则 发生 100% 拒绝。 然而,基于我的信念,我认为...... 卡诺循环、能量守恒定律和证明其不可能性 永动机,即效率小于或等于 1 仅适用于 像发动机这样的热动力机器适用,但存在漏洞。

Wikipedia CarnotCycle

Conservation of energy wikipedia






要将人类在 6G 下加速到光速的一半,需要 29 天或 2527232 秒的加速。

t = (c/2)/a = (149896229[m/s]) / 59[m/s^2] = 2527232 秒

将 1000 公斤重的宇宙飞船加速到 6G 光速一半所需的总能量 大约是:

W = F * d

F = 1000 [kg] * 59.28 [m/s^2]

F = 59280 [N]

d = (1/2) * a * t^2

d = (1/2) * 59 [米/秒^2] * (2527232 [秒])^2

d = 2 * 10^14 [米]

W = F * d

宽 = 59280 [牛] * 2 * 10^14 [米]

W = 1*10^19 [焦耳]

为了确定单个托卡马克 ITER 反应堆在 29 天内可以产生的能量, 我们需要将 29 天转换为秒,即 2527232 秒。 单个输出功率为 1.5 GW 的托卡马克 ITER 反应堆在 29 天内产生的能量为:


能量 = 1.5 [GW] * 2527232 [秒]

能量 = 4 * 10^15 [焦耳]

W / 能量 = 1*10^19 [焦耳] / (4 * 10^15 [焦耳]) = 2500

因此,需要大约 2500 个托卡马克 ITER 反应堆,每个反应堆产生 1.5 GW 的电力, 连续运行29天,产生加速1000公斤飞船所需的能量 6G 时光速的一半。

E_kinetic = (1/2)*m*v²

E_kinetic = (1/2) * 1000 [kg] * (149896229 [m/s])^2

E_kinetic = 1 * 10^19 [焦耳]





ImpulseCover > ImpulseBottom + 加速反冲





将铁球斜向上射向房间的天花板,以便 掉落的球可以回收。

我使用电磁加速,球位于环形球的中心 电磁加速器,即位于空心圆柱体或线圈的中心 没有或最小的后坐力。


动量守恒: m_1*v_1 + m_2*v_2 = m_1*v_1' + m_2*v_2'


Q 是流量(Q = V/t,单位:m³/s)

ρ 是密度 (kg/m3)

V 是体积(立方米)

m 是质量(单位:kg)

g 是重力加速度 (9.8 m/s2)

v 是速度(以米/秒为单位)

t 是时间(以秒为单位)

冲量:p = m*v

力:F = m*dv/dt = m*a


F_g = (Δv*m)/dt = (Δv*V*ρ)/dt = Δv*Q*ρ = Δv*Q*γ/g = Δv*ṁ

Δv 是盖子处的脉冲速度与底部的脉冲速度之差

γ 比重(N/m3) = kg/(m2s2)





电机产生电磁加速能量。 将创建多个这样的铁球电磁加速器室 组合起来形成一个负载,例如滑板或汽车 漂浮或飞行。

Coilgun 线圈枪


v_end = ((2*V* μ_0*χ_m*n²*I²)/m)^1/2

m 是弹丸的质量

V 是射弹体积

χ_m 是磁化率

μ_0 为真空磁导率 4π × 10−7 V*s/(A*m)

I 是电流,单位为安培

n 是线圈单位长度的线圈匝数,通过除以得到 线圈的总匝数可以通过线圈的总长度(以米为单位)来确定


F = (0.5 * B^2 * A * n * l * I^2) / d

B 是线圈枪内的磁场强度(特斯拉)


n 是线圈的匝数

l 是线圈的长度(米)

I 是流过线圈的电流(安培)

d 是施加力的距离(米)

量子场涨落涡轮机(专利申请: 拒绝)

物理学家利用量子力学从无到有中提取能量 - quantamagazine.org


QuantumFluctuations BrownSlowElephant-max-1mbTurbine
Quantumfield-Fluctuations-Turbine QuantumfieldFluctuationsTurbine2

我使用 200kW 激光器、探测器和全反射静态硅镜 代替涡轮叶片 涡轮机由于量子涨落、量子噪声而旋转 和辐射压。


量子涨落可以在人体尺度上晃动物体 - 麻省理工学院LIGO实验室

Quantum fluctuations can jiggle objects on the human scale.pdf

和。 LIGO实验室自然杂志出版

LigoTest 设置


p_st 或光压是由于吸收、发射或反射电磁辐射而作用在表面上的压力。 在吸收和发射过程中,辐射压等于波的强度 I 除以光速 c: p_st = I/c,单位为 p_st = N/m2 = J/m3 = Pa(帕斯卡); 完全反射时的辐射压力是完全吸收时的两倍。 频率为 ν 的光子传输能量: E = h * ν (参见光电效应) 与普朗克常数 h。

由于能量动量关系 E = (p²*c² + m²*c4)^1/2 对于质量 m = 0 的光子,脉冲 p 的大小为: | p| = h*ν /c

波浪模型: 真空中的辐射场对表面施加的压力可由下式确定: 表达麦克斯韦应力张量 (T i j)。具有吸收表面 法线向量 n,辐射压力由下式给出: p_st*nj = ΣTij*ni 麦克斯韦应力张量的分量可以从电学中导出 计算场强E和磁通密度B:

Tij = (1/ 2)*( ε_0*E² + B²/ μ_0 )*δij − ε_0*Ei*Ej − Bi*Bj/ μ_0

其中 δij 是克罗内克增量,ε_0 是电场常数,μ_0 是 磁场常数为。


由电磁辐射的量子化产生并具有光谱 高频的功率密度。对于波长 ≤ 10 μm,热噪声占主导地位。 因此,可见光范围内的光接收器需要更高的信号功率 超出电子频率范围。 当原子或亚原子粒子(电子、光子或...... 甚至更小的粒子)参与能量能级跃迁(“量子跃迁”)。 相应的测量值(以及计算结果)均以一 概率分布 在数学和概率上都是正确的 然而,在计算实践中,它往往不能令人满意,甚至无法使用。




ZeroPointEnergy Wikipedia

Quantumfield-Fluctuation-Turbine (patent application: denied, not new)

Physicists Use Quantum Mechanics to Pull Energy out of Nothing - quantamagazine.org

QuantumFluctuations BrownSlowElephant-max-1mbTurbine
Quantumfield-Fluctuations-Turbine QuantumfieldFluctuationsTurbine2

I use 200kW lasers, detectors and silicium-mirrors which are static and completely reflecting instead of the turbine-leaves and it will rotate because of the quantum-fluctuations, quantum noise and the radiation pressure.


Quantum fluctuations can jiggle objects on the human scale - M.I.T. LIGO Laboratory

Quantum fluctuations can jiggle objects on the human scale.pdf

M.I.T. LIGO Laboratory nature magazine publication


The radiation pressure

p_st or light pressure is the pressure exerted on a surface by absorbed, emitted or reflected electromagnetic radiation. For absorption and emission, the radiation pressure is equal to the intensity I of the wave divided by the speed of light c: p_st = I/c with the units p_st = N/m² = J/m³ = Pa (Pascal); In the case of complete reflection, the radiation pressure is twice as great as in the case of complete absorption. A photon of frequency ν transports the energy: E = h * ν (see Photoelectric Effect) with the Planck constant h.

Because of the energy-momentum relation E = (p²*c² + m²*c4)^1/2 for the photon with a mass m = 0 follows a momentum p with the magnitude: | p | = h*ν /c

Wave model: The pressure exerted on a surface by a radiation field in a vacuum can be expressed by the Maxwell's stress tensor ( T i j ). With an absorbing surface Normal vector n is the radiation pressure given by: p_st*nj = ∑ Tij* ni The components of Maxwell's stress tensor can be derived from the electrical Calculate the field strength E and the magnetic flux density B:

Tij = (1/ 2)*( ε_0*E² + B²/ μ_0 )*δij − ε_0*Ei*Ej − Bi*Bj/ μ_0

where δij is the Kronecker delta, ε_0 the electric field constant and μ_0 the magnetic field constant is.

Quantum Noise

arises from the quantization of electromagnetic radiation and has a spectral power density of hf. For wavelengths ≤ 10 μm, thermal noise predominates. Optical receivers in the visible range therefore require significantly higher signal power than in the range of electronic frequencies. This occurs when atoms or subatomic particles (electrons, photons or even smaller particles) are involved in an energetic level transition (“quantum jump”). Corresponding measured values ​​(and thus calculation results) are subject to a Probability distribution and are mathematically-probabilistically correct, in the computational practice but often unsatisfactory to unusable.

There is as yet no formulation of the force exerted by quantum fluctuations



ZeroPointEnergy Wikipedia

ZeroPointEnergyGenerator (Patent Application)


A technical diagram showing a device designed to harness Zero-Point Energy

1. Quantum Vacuum Chamber: • Shape: A cylindrical or spherical object that represents the central part of the generator. • Sizing: For example 1 meter diameter for a spherical chamber. • Material: Choose a solid material such as metal or a hypothetical material suitable for vacuum printing. • Position: Place centrally throughout the assembly. Caption: Quantum Vacuum Chamber – captures vacuum energy fluctuations.

2. Electromagnetic Coils: • Shape: Multiple annular or cylindrical coils around the vacuum chamber. • Sizing: Each coil ring could have a smaller diameter than the chamber, for example 0.8 meters. • Material: Copper or similar conductive material. • Quantity: Draw several layers of coils wrapped around the chamber. Caption: High-Frequency Electromagnetic Coils – amplify quantum energy fluctuations.

3. Energy Collectors and Converters: • Shape: Small rectangular plates or cylinders placed along the coils. • Function: They collect the energy amplified by the coils and convert it into electricity. • Position: Draw them at strategic locations along the coils, perhaps at the nodes or connections of the coils. Caption: Energy Collectors – convert amplified fluctuations into electricity.

4. Cooling System: • Shape: Cooling fins or tubes fitted around the generator, particularly around the electromagnetic coils. • Function: Keeps the system at a low temperature to ensure maximum efficiency. • Sizing: Draw along the outer frame of the assembly, perhaps as a network of hoses or cooling fins. Label: Cooling System – maintains low temperatures for optimal efficiency.

5. Supercapacitor Array: • Shape: Several rectangular or cylindrical modules responsible for energy storage. • Sizing: Place them in a row or array to the side of the vacuum chamber. • Location: Directly next to or below the main system, connected to the energy collectors. Caption: Supercapacitors – store collected energy.

6. Power Output Terminals: • Shape: Smaller cylindrical or rectangular ports located on the outside of the system. • Function: Provide the connection for external power delivery. • Position: At the bottom or side of the device.


A CAD design of a zero-point energy generator.

1. Vacuum chamber • Description: A hermetically sealed room in which a near-perfect vacuum is created. • Function: Shields external particles and energy sources to create an optimal environment for extraction of zero-point energy. This chamber minimizes outside interference, thereby reducing the Zero point fluctuations in the vacuum can be used more effectively.

2. Quantum field coils • Description: Highly sensitive coils arranged in a special pattern. • Function: These coils interact with the fluctuating quantum fields in the vacuum. They are designed to extract the energy from these fluctuations and convert it into usable convert electrical energy.

3. Energy extraction plates • Description: Flat, conductive plates arranged near the quantum field coils. • Function: They collect and direct the energy generated by the quantum field coils the generator's energy management system. These plates are crucial for efficient Transfer of energy.

4. Control circuits • Description: A network of high-performance circuits and microprocessors. • Function: These circuits monitor and control energy extraction. You adjust the parameters of the Quantum field coils dynamically adjust to maximize energy production and keep the generator stable. They also ensure that the energy generated is routed safely and evenly to the output system becomes.

5. Energy output interface • Description: A connector device connected to the energy extraction plates. • Function: It enables the electrical energy generated to be consumed. The interface is standardized to enable integration into various power grids and energy storage systems. It also contains safety elements to prevent overvoltage or short circuit.

6. Stabilization module • Description: A separate area in the generator equipped with advanced electronics. • Function: It regulates the energy flows within the generator to compensate for fluctuations and a to ensure uniform energy delivery. The module prevents resonance phenomena and protects against possible ones unstable states of the quantum field.

7. Cooling and insulation system • Description: An integrated system consisting of cooling fins, fans or a liquid cooling system. • Function: Maintains the generator temperature within optimal operating ranges to ensure efficient to ensure function. It protects sensitive components from overheating and reduces energy losses through heat radiation.

How the generator works The Zero Point Energy Generator works by exploiting the quantum fluctuations in the vacuum. Due to their special arrangement, the quantum field coils create a field that corresponds to these fluctuations interacts and extracts energy. This energy is collected via the energy extraction plates and stabilized by the control circuits. The energy is then sent to the energy output interface forwarded, from where it can be used for practical applications.


A detailed drawing of a quantum field coil with labeled components.

1. Superconducting coil • Description: A winding system made of superconducting material that has extremely low resistance. • Function: Generates a strong magnetic field necessary for interaction with quantum fluctuations is. Thanks to superconductivity, the coil can carry high currents without loss of energy, which is crucial for the efficient use of quantum phenomena.

2. Magnetic flux stabilizers • Description: A system of magnets or ferromagnetic materials arranged around the superconducting coil. • Function: Stabilizes the generated magnetic field and controls the flow direction. This creates a creates a uniform and controlled field that effectively focuses the quantum fluctuations and the Energy extraction optimized.

3. Quantum resonance chamber • Description: A cavity surrounding the superconducting coil and made of highly reflective material. • Function: Amplifies the quantum fluctuations in the area of ​​the coil by causing them to resonate with the natural ones Vacuum fluctuations occur. The resonance chamber focuses the energy onto the coil, increasing efficiency energy production is increased.

4. Control circuit interface • Description: An electronic circuit connected to the coil and stabilizers. • Function: Monitors and regulates the operating parameters of the quantum field coil. It adjusts the current flow and the magnetic fields to optimize the resonance conditions and maximize energy yield achieve. The interface also allows adaptation to different operating modes and conditions.

5. Energy output terminals • Description: Electrical connections connected to the coil. • Function: Transfer the energy gained from the coil to the external energy system. These terminals are designed to transmit the energy gained with minimal loss and at the same time protect against possible feedback effects.

6. Cooling and insulation system • Description: A system of cooling fins or liquid cooling tubes arranged around the superconducting coil and the quantum resonance chamber. • Function: Keeps the superconducting coil at a low temperature to maintain the superconducting state to maintain. At the same time, it thermally insulates the system to minimize external heat influences and to ensure the stability of the magnetic field.

7. Vibration damper • Description: Shock-absorbing materials or structures attached to the coil attachment points. • Function: Reduce mechanical vibrations, which affect the stability of the magnetic field and therefore efficiency could affect energy extraction. They ensure that the coil is in an optimal position remains and works undisturbed.

How the quantum field coil works The quantum field coil works by generating a controlled magnetic field that interacts with the vacuum fluctuations. The superconducting coil creates a strong magnetic field, while the magnetic flux stabilizers focus and stabilize this field. In the quantum resonance chamber, the quantum fluctuations are amplified, transferring more energy into the coil. The control circuit interface monitors the conditions within the coil and adjusts the parameters in real time to ensure optimal energy harvesting. The cooling and insulation system keeps the coil at the necessary low temperature to maintain the superconducting state and minimize energy losses. The energy obtained is then transferred via the energy output terminals to an external system, where it can be used for various applications. The vibration dampers ensure that the system remains mechanically stable, thus ensuring the integrity of the magnetic field and energy extraction.


A detailed technical diagram of Nikola Tesla's Wardenclyffe Tower

PulsatingEarthMagneticFieldGenerator (Patent Application)


A generator designed to harness energy from the pulsating Earth's magnetic field

1. Induction coil 2. Magnetic field 3. Energy conversion unit 4. Capacitor bank 5. Connections 6. Grounding 7. Measuring instruments 8. Current meter 9. Voltmeter 10. Capacitor


A generator designed to harness energy from the pulsating Earth's magnetic field

1. Coil 2. Magnetic field lines 3. Capacitor 4. Connections 5. Grounding 6. Current meter 7. Voltage meter

"MicroPulsations of Earth's magnetic field..."Nature Magazine

energetic torus that uses the pulsating magnetic field of earth to produce energy with induction...

Adam Trombley Generator


Diagram of the Adam Trombley generator

1. Rotor with magnets • Description: The rotor is a central, rotating component of the generator. It consists of a cylindrical or disk-shaped body equipped with permanent magnets. These magnets are evenly distributed on the surface of the rotor. • Function: When the rotor rotates, the magnets create a changing magnetic field that leads to induction electrical energy in the coils of the stator.

2. Stator • Description: The stator surrounds the rotor and is equipped with copper coils around an iron core. These coils are often configured as windings that use the rotor's changing magnetic field to generate an electrical voltage. • Function: The stator absorbs the changing magnetic field of the rotating rotor and induces electrical energy Current in the copper coils.

3. Copper coils (induction coils) • Description: Copper coils are coils of copper wire wrapped around the stator. Copper is a common material for such applications due to its high conductivity. • Function: The movement of the rotor creates a magnetic field in the coils, which creates an electrical Allows current to flow through electromagnetic induction.

4. Capacitor bank • Description: The capacitor bank consists of a series of capacitors connected in series or parallel to store the electrical energy generated by the copper coils. • Function: The capacitors temporarily store electrical energy and smooth out voltage fluctuations and provide energy when the generator begins to fluctuate.

5. Frequency converter (frequency converter) • Description: The frequency converter is an electronic component that adjusts the frequency of the alternating voltage generated by the coils. • Function: It converts the electrical energy produced by the generator into a usable frequency, whichever must be adjusted according to application (e.g. 50 Hz or 60 Hz).

6. Flywheel • Description: A flywheel is a solid, often metallic, disk or cylinder attached to the axis of the rotor. • Function: The flywheel stores kinetic energy and ensures that the rotor rotates remains even. It stabilizes the operation of the generator by reducing fluctuations in the Rotation speed reduced.

7. Bearing and axle • Description: The bearings and axle are mechanical components that allow the rotor to rotate with as little friction as possible. • Function: The bearings support rotational movement and minimize mechanical energy loss Friction. They ensure that the rotor can rotate smoothly and stably.

8. Frame structure • Description: The generator frame is the outer casing that holds all of the internal components (rotor, stator, flywheel, bearings, etc.) together. It is often made of aluminum or steel to ensure robustness and stability. • Function: The frame protects the internal components and ensures that the generator is structurally stable remains and mechanical vibrations are minimized.

9. Control electronics • Description: The control electronics is a set of electronic components that monitor and control the operation of the generator. • Function: It regulates the energy flow, monitors the output voltage and current, and ensures that the generator works efficiently, without unstable fluctuations in energy production.

Summary of how it works: The Adam Trombley Generator uses the motion of a rotating magnetic rotor within a stationary one Stator, which is equipped with copper coils. The rotation of the rotor creates the magnets changing magnetic field that induces an electric current in the copper coils. This current is supplied by a Capacitor bank stored and regulated by a frequency converter. A flywheel ensures stability, by storing kinetic energy, and the control electronics monitors the entire functioning of the system.


TorusDynamo1 Adam Trombly


TorusDynamo2 Adam Trombly




A conceptual CAD drawing of a free energy generator inspired by speculative energy concepts by Adam Trombley















TorusDynamo3 AdamTrombleyEarthMacneticFieldGenerator (Patent Application)

1. Rotor • Description: The rotor is the heart of the generator and consists of a rotating cylinder or disk. Permanent magnets are attached to the surface of the rotor and are evenly distributed. The rotor itself is mounted in a stable bearing so that it can rotate with as little resistance as possible. • Function: The rotor rotates continuously and ensures that the attached magnets move in relation to the surrounding copper coils. This movement creates a changing magnetic field, which is the prerequisite for the generation of electrical energy through electromagnetic induction. The rotation of the rotor can be caused by external forces such as a motor, but in this case speculatively by interaction with the Earth's magnetic field.

2. Magnets on the rotor • Description: The permanent magnets are firmly attached to the surface of the rotor. These magnets are aligned to project the maximum magnetic field into the area of ​​the coils. • Function: As the rotor rotates, the magnets move past the copper coils. This movement creates a dynamic magnetic field that cuts through the coils and induces a voltage in them. The crucial mechanism is the continuous change in the magnetic field caused by the rotation of the magnets.

3. Coils (copper windings) • Description: The coils consist of many turns of copper wire wound around an iron core or evacuated form. Copper is preferred due to its excellent conductivity and low electrical losses. • Function: The copper coils are where the actual energy generation takes place. As the magnets on the rotor move past the coils, they create a changing magnetic field that cuts through the coils' turns and creates a voltage. This principle is called electromagnetic induction and is the same as that used in conventional generators. The faster the magnets rotate or the stronger the magnetic field, the more voltage is generated in the coils.

4. Capacitor bank • Description: The capacitor bank consists of several capacitors connected in series or parallel to store the electrical energy generated. Capacitors are passive electronic components that can store electrical charge and release it again when necessary. • Function: The capacitor bank plays a key role in stabilizing the power generated. When power generation is irregular - for example due to fluctuations in rotor rotation - capacitors can buffer the energy and deliver it to consumers at a constant voltage and current. They act like a temporary battery that absorbs voltage spikes and keeps the system stable.

5. Bearing • Description: Bearings consist of mechanical components that allow the rotor to rotate with little friction. They are often lubricated or made from materials specifically designed for long life and minimal friction. • Function: The bearings keep the rotor stable and ensure that it can rotate with minimal energy loss. They minimize mechanical friction that could otherwise cause the rotor to slow down or even stop. Ideally, the bearings must be extremely durable and low-maintenance to ensure the smoothest possible rotation.

6. Flywheel • Description: The flywheel is a large, usually heavy disk or cylinder that is attached to the axis of rotation of the rotor. It is often made of metal and has a high mass. • Function: The flywheel stores kinetic energy in the form of rotational motion. Once set in motion, it ensures that the rotor continues to run smoothly, even if there are slight fluctuations in torque. The flywheel helps smooth the energy output and ensures continuous power production by stabilizing the rotation. This is particularly useful when the rotor is subjected to irregular driving forces.

7. Frame structure • Description: The frame structure is the mechanical framework of the generator that holds all components together. It is usually made of a sturdy material such as steel or aluminum and provides space for the rotor, coils, bearings and electronics. • Function: The frame keeps the generator stable and ensures that all components stay securely in place. In addition, the frame protects the generator from external influences such as vibrations or physical shocks. It also minimizes mechanical deformation that could arise from operation and helps dampen vibrations and noise.

8. Earth's magnetic field • Description: The Earth's magnetic field is a natural, invisible magnetic field created by the movement of liquid iron in the Earth's outer core. It permeates the entire planet and varies in strength depending on location. • The drawing shows lines that represent the Earth's magnetic field interacting with the rotor. This natural magnetic field is the source from which energy is derived. • Function: In this speculative theory, the Earth's magnetic field could interact directly with the generator's magnet and rotor. The idea is that by properly aligning and moving the rotor, the Earth's magnetic field can be used to power the generator or provide additional energy. This could theoretically occur through the interaction of the rotor's permanent magnets with the Earth's magnetic field to amplify or modulate the magnetic field and thereby generate additional energy.

9. Control electronics (optional) • Description: The control electronics include components such as voltage regulators, frequency converters and circuits that monitor and control the operation of the generator. • Function: These components regulate the voltage and current that the generator produces and adjust the frequency of the alternating current produced to make it suitable for various applications. The electronics ensure that the energy supply remains stable and that no harmful voltage fluctuations occur.

Working principle of earth magnetic field generator: The generator's rotor is caused to rotate by external forces or by interactions with the earth's magnetic field. The attached magnets create a changing magnetic field that flows through the copper coils on the stator, thereby generating electrical current. This current is stored in the capacitor bank and regulated by the control electronics to provide stable and usable electrical energy. A flywheel helps keep the rotational motion smooth, while the bearings and frame ensure the rotor works smoothly and efficiently. The Earth's magnetic field could theoretically help strengthen or maintain the magnetic field in the generator.

ManualHandFanCasimirEffect (专利申请:驳回)



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